My 6 oily tips for yoga & meditation

by Sep 28, 2018Detox, Focus, Meditation, Oil tips, Relax, Yoga

Essential oils are a perfect add on to your yoga and meditation practice. For instance they can help to deepen your meditation, to improve your focus, to let go or to ground yourself. You can use the oils in a roller bottle or use the in your diffuser during your yoga practice or meditation.
The choice of oils depends on personal preference and Young Living has lots of oils and oil blends to choose from.

I’ll show you some of my personal favorites and in this blog but feel free to experiment with other oils yourself.

1. Northern Lights Black Spruce

I’ll put a few drops in the palm of my hand and rub my hands together.  Then I cup my hands over my nose and mouth and inhale deeply a few times. Powerful!

This oil is great for grounding and to help balance the chakras. The Lakota tribe used this oil for its purifying effect and for the fact that this oil brings you closer to “the great spirit”. Perfect to use during yoga and meditation.
I like to start in lotus position and set an intention for the day. Then I inhale the oil while keeping that intention or affirmation in mind.

Examples of intentions/affirmations:
“Today I choose a relaxed state of mind.”
“I am willing to see, feel and use my highest potential in all areas of my life.”
“I choose to be grateful today.

2. Tranquil Roll-on

I always carry this Tranquil Roll-on in my handbag. It is a soothing mix that helps you to calm down when it’s time for relaxation. Sometimes my head is still racing and than it might be difficult to sink into relaxation. This oil helps me with that. Use it on the inside of your wrists and/or in your neck.
You can use this roll-on not only during yoga or meditation. It’s also perfect for any moment of the day when you want to relax and let go.

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3. R.C. and/or Peppermint

These oils will make you breathe more freely. I like to apply these oils on my chest and throat before my yoga practice to let my breathing flow. Love it!
Peppermint is also great to apply on your muscles to sooth them after an intensive yoga practice.

4. Frankincense or Sacred Mountain

These oils can help you to stay centered during yoga or meditation. When I use them, I notice that my focus is better and my mind doesn’t drift off that easily.  I also notice that when I use these oils I’m more mindful and more at ease when doing my asanas, without going too fast.

5. Lemon or Citrus Fresh

After my yoga practice, I drink a glass of water (not too cold) for detox purposes. In my water I add a drop of Lemon or Citrus Fresh. These are good detox oils. And they taste very good!

6. Thieves spray or DIY spray

I like to fresh up my yoga mat every now and then and clean it with a spray.
For that I use the Thieves Spray or my homemade spray. Depends on which one is at hand ;-).

Here is a recipe for you to make your own spray.
This spray is perfect to clean your yoga mat. It will remove bacteria and leave it fresh and clean. After cleaning there is no toxic residu on your mat. So it’s completely safe for you to use.

•Glass spray bottle of 100ml
•10 drops Thieves essential oil blend
•10 drops of Tea Tree essential oil
•1 teaspoon pure witch hazel
•Distilled or boiled water

Put the essential oils in the bottle.
Add the witch hazel and the water.
Spray on your yoga mat and then wipe it clean with a towel.

You can also try another combination of oils.
For example Purification/Thieves or Lemon/Thieves.

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